NATIONAL CONCERNED OFFICERS ORGANIZATION ON GANG ACTIVITIES INC. 879 West Park Avenue, Cobblestone Village #161, Ocean Township, New Jersey 07712 (732) 460-0804 Office (732) 460-0804 Fax detectedor 816 N. Delsea Drive, Doubletree Center PMB# 324 Glassboro, New Jersey 08028 (586) 881-1330 Office (732) 881-1330 Fax Detected CF9294733-22 Welcome,
are the
![]() L. LOUIS JORDAN Mr. L. Louis Jordan has been in Law Enforcement for twenty-three years. He served with the Neptune Township Police Department from 1980 to 1987.He also served in the Military from October 1972 until October 1983 both in active and reserve status (as a Military Police Sergeant and as a Senior Drill Sergeant and Master Trainer) While in the Military, he was with the United States Army Special Forces and Support Command of the Military Police (Black Beret), where his duties included safeguarding nuclear weapons in high security areas, as well as protecting and supervising high ranking dignitaries of the National Atlantic Treaty Organization (N.A.T.O). Mr. Jordan also worked with the U.S. Secret Services, and Interpol, protecting high-ranking military Personnel from around the world, as well as the Honorable President Richard M. Nixon during his European tour in 1974. Based on this assignment, Mr. Jordan received the Presidential Award. Upon returning to the United States and serving with the New Jersey National Guard and Reserve, Mr. Jordan was one of few chosen to escort various State Governors, one of those being the Honorable Brendon T. Byrne of New Jersey. He also provided Executive Protection for the Rev. Al Sharpton, the Rev. Jessie Jackson, Teen idle and TV star LL Cool Jay, Dr. Dray , Dr. Love and the family of Queen LaTifa and numerous other VIP’s. Most recently (4 October 1998) Mr. Jordan was the single person certified and approved by Washington and Atlanta, Georgia to be the Senior Officer In Charge of the Executive Protection Team (94 personnel) for Mrs. Corretta Scott King, Wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.In 1982 Mr. Jordan was selected by the late Monmouth County Police Academy Director, Robert D. Scott Sr., to assist in the training of all police recruits; This was due to his Military and Civilian background. As a result, the Monmouth County Police Academy is famous for its military type discipline and leadership under the direction of "Drill Sergeants", Mr. Jordan being the first and founder of the program. He has been promoted several times by the academy directors earning the highest rank of an NCO as First Sergeant. Mr. Jordan recognizes that it has been through people like the National President of the Concerned Officers Organization On Gang Activities (CO3GA), Mr. Clemmon O’Neal, the Monmouth County Prosecutor of New Jersey, John Kaye, his First Assistant Alton D. Kenny, his Second Assistant Prosecutor Robert Honecker Jr., and Mr. Lawrence Jones of the National Gang Network of Boston, Mass. and many others who have allowed him to exhibit his expertise in the area of Hate Crimes, Street Gangs, Cultural Diversity, Youth Motivation, Police Community Relations, School Safety, Police Professionalism, Gang Assessment, Weapons In School and Teachers Safety On Campus. Mr. Jordan has been recognized nationally and internationally as a dynamic speaker and presenter who experienced phenomenal success in motivating youth and educating professionals. His electrifying style of presenting has made him one of the countries’ most sought after speakers. Mr. Jordan is currently assigned to the Special Investigative Services Unit of the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, Under which is the Bias and Street Gang Awareness Unit. Mr. Jordan also monitors, investigates, and gathers intelligence on Street Gangs, Hate Crimes, Youth Motivation and Police Community Relations. He has been recognized as an expert in the field by the National Gang Network based in Boston, Massachusetts, the California Gang Investigators Association of Los Angeles, California, the Mid-West Gang Intelligence Association of Cleveland, Ohio, the Military Intelligence Association on Terrorism, The Department of the Army, the Naval Air Warfare Center, the Boys and Girls Club of America, The U.S. Department of Justice, The FBI, DEA, the Federal Office of OJDDP, the National American Correctional Officers Association (ACA), Washington, DC, The Federal Bureau of Prisons, the National Peace Officers Foundation of Sacramento, California, The National Youth Foundation of Washington DC. the National Children’s Defense Fund, The National Youth Gang Suppression and Intervention Program at the University of Chicago, Ill. as an expert in the field. Mr. Jordan also services as an Officer and or Consulted to many of the above-identified agencies. Mr. Jordan has been tracking street gangs and extremist groups since 1980 and has gathered a wealth of intelligence on them, and is one of the principal instructors (on gangs, youth violence, bias crimes, and hate groups and youth motivation) in the United States. Mr. Jordan also spends numerous of his hours of his own time speaking and advising female and male gang members and children who appear to be slipping through the cracks on the pitfalls of gangs and violence as well as teaching intervention, prevention, and suppression techniques to Concerned Educators, Law Enforcement Personnel, Probation Officers, Parole Officers, Employment Programs, Community Youth Agencies, as well as Grassroots and Religious Organization. Mr. Jordan served as the Deputy Executive Director and CO-Founder of the Neptune Police Athletic League and acted as its National Delegate for three (3) years in 1983. Mr. Jordan is also the Founder of Operation Y.O.U.T.H. (Young and Old United Together For Humanity) which was found in 1976; I-Crys (Inner City Round Table of Youth Services) founded in 1984. A program identified, as Johnny’s Someone’s Child, founded in 1990. Mr. Jordan also served as the Senior Advisor and Counselor to the National and County Boys and Girls Club Gang Prevention and Intervention Program, as well as the past Secretary of the Monmouth County Board of Directors. He is currently the Co-Founder of Youth to Youth of New Jersey as well as the Founder of JAMS of NJ (Just Another Means of Success. Mr. Jordan has appeared as featured guest on a host of radio and national television talk shows. He has also conducted numerous lectures, workshops, seminars and in-service awareness and investigative programs for law enforcement agencies, churches, educators, schools, colleges, and community based organizations. Mr. Jordan is frequently called upon by police departments and related investigative agencies, on both national and international levels, to assist in timely investigations of crimes that may seem or appear to be Gang, Bias, or Satanic related. Mr. Jordan was one of few who was chosen to participate in the Law Enforcement Mission to Israel, addressing the issue of terrorism which was sponsored by the Attorney Generals Office and the ADL of New Jersey. Mr. Jordan has an extensive background dealing directly with juvenile and adult street gang members. He is currently serving as the National Founder and CEO of the National Concerned Officers Organization On Gang Activities Inc. Mr. Jordan currently serves on many subcommittees on Hate Crimes, Gangs and Youth Violence around the United States. Mr. Jordan recently returned to the mainland from the Virgin Islands where he was assigned to assist the U.S. Department of Justice in addressing the issue of youth violence and street gangs. Mr. Jordan was later requested to return by the Governor of the Virgin Islands to assist in conducting a gang assessment of all secondary schools. Mr. Jordan is a national advocate for our youth. He feels that our youth as well as their parents should be held more accountable for their actions. Mr. Jordan stressed that working with hard-core violent offenders is one of his greatest loves, for it is with this group that society has written off as completely lost and he has had the most success. Mr. Jordan is currently writing a book entitled Gangs in America, the American Focus a 700-page booklet. His past-time activities includes listening and dialoging with young people and senior citizens in an attempt to understand what could be done to employ our youth, stop the violence, while at the same time helping to build bridges of communication and understanding. Mr. Jordan recently published a book entitled, "The American Focus on Gangs Series Volume #1 of a 20 Volume series, which was published by the Investigative Research Staff of the USCCCN 2 / National Crime Commission. Note: Now is the time for action...No more time for waste on talk.... Children are dying. WORK EXPERIENCE: September 1987 to Present MONMOUTH COUNTY PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE Freehold, N.J. Under the leadership of Prosecutor John Kaye. Serve as part of a four-member investigation unit of Criminal activities specializing in Bias Crimes, Community Relations, Street Gang Awareness and Trouble Shooting as well as Community Policing, Fugitive Search and Street Gang intelligence. March 1980 to September. 1987. As the chief investigator of this unit he oversees the day to day operation of the unit. NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT, New Jersey 25 Neptune Blvd., Neptune, NJ. Duties: Function as part of a 65 member police unit Responsible for preserving the peace, enforcing the law, Community Relations. Protecting of life and property. MONMOUTH COUNTY POLICE ACADEMY 1997 to Present Kozloski Road, Freehold, N.J. Duties: Function as First Sergeant and Senior Drill Sergeant responsible for overseeing the motivation and training of Police Officers, Park Rangers, Special Officers, Correctional Officers and Youth Cadet programs. Directly for instilling Motivation, Discipline, Teamwork, Control, Pride, Alertness, Leadership, Confidence of Police recruits who are entering the law enforcement community for the first time further. Responsibility for counseling and reinforcement training. As well as the supervision of 9 Drill Sergeants in their day to day operation. November 1980 to 1982 SENIOR DRILL SERGEANT-FORT DIX N.J SENIOR DRILL SERGEANT-FORT DIX N.JDRILL SERGEANT-FORT DIX N.J .United States Army Active Reserve Fort Dix, N.J. (Certified Trainer) Duties: Responsible for the training and supervision of new recruits in the area of motivation, control teamwork, leadership, useful and harmful stress, management training, behavioral differences, physical readiness training, self defense, weapons, weapons safety, adverse weather, probable cause, inspections, drill and ceremonies, counseling, health, map reading, land navigation, terrorist groups, and guard duty. October 1972 to 1980 UNITED STATES MILITARY POLICE, U.S. Army UNITED STATES MILITARY POLICE, U.S. ArmyDuties: Special Military Police Support Command. Supervised a 130 man PAT and K-9 handler. Team Leader of the Sniper Conversion Team, Convoy NCOIC, Patrol Supervisor, Race Relations Instructor, Senior Executive Protection Officer, Bomb Threats, and cross trained in many related fields. GOVERNOR'S ESCORT-EXECUTIVE PROTECTION While serving with the 50th Military Police Company (National Guard) at Fort Drum, New York, was one of few chosen to escort the Honorable Brendon T. Bryne and the Honorable Governor of New York. 19 November 1990 N.J. COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION Testify before the New Jersey Commission of Investigations 2 February 1993 as a national expert with respect to Street Gangs and Youth Violence in the state of New Jersey 9 February 1991 EXECUTIVE PROTECTION, EXECUTIVE PROTECTION,Assigned to protect the Rev. Al Sharpton during his visit to the City of Asbury Park, & Lincroft, New Jersey Rev. Al Sharpton addressed a crowed of 300 at the St. Peters Clavers Church in Asbury Park and again at Brookdale College in Lincroft on 10 December 1993. August 1974 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES /EXECUTIVE PROTECTION, Ensured safe escort for the Honorable Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States during his European tour in 1974. Was one of few chosen for this assignment while serving with the 44th Military Police Detachment in Europe. 21 - 29 April 1991 GENERALS' ESCORT This writer was one of eight (8) law enforcement officers to escort the Honorable Robert Del Tufo, Attorney General, State of New Jersey on his eastern Law Enforcement Mission to Israel, which was sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. July 1978 - March 1980 WATERFRONT POLICE, WATERFRONT POLICE, Navel Weapon Station Earle, Leonardo, New Jersey 07737. Duties: Function as part of a nine-man shift responsible for safety and security of the above location. As shift Commander (Sergeant) my job often entails physical confrontations and split second decisions with full power of arrest. 4 October 1998 EXECUTIVE PROTECTION Duties: Act at the Special Agent In-Charge of planning, operations, and Executive Protection for Mrs Eidth Savage and Mrs. .Coretta Scott King, Wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during a Welness Conference at the Long Branch Hilton. Approximately 60 Officers and 39 Civilians took part in the security as we escorted Mrs. King from New York City to Long Branch, NJ and back to New York. SCHOOLING AND SPECIAL TRAINING-EDUCATION 1. High School Diploma, Neptune High School-Neptune, NJ 1972 2. U.S. Army Military Police Academy, Fort Gordon, Georgia 1973 3. Physical Security and Executive Protection Training, Fort Dix, N.J. 1973. 4. Race Relations Instructors School, K-Town, Germany, 1973 5. Snipers Conversion Team (Leader) U.S. Army, Germany, 1974 6. Police Certification, Monmouth County Police Academy, 1980 7. Advance Evasive Driving Techniques, Cape May County, NJ, 1980 8. Fire Rescue & Water Safety School, M.C. Fire Academy, 1980 9. Domestic Relations/Crisis Intervention, M.C. Police Academy, 1980 10. Sex Crimes Analysis Investigations, N.J. State Police, Sea Girt, New Jersey 1981 11. Black Belt Certification in Karate & Kung Fu, Boys and Girls Club of Asbury Park, NJ 1981 12. National Certification as a Psycho-Motor Skills Design Instructor, 1981 13. N.J. Police Service Unit (Instructors Certification)Trenton, New Jersey, 1981 14. Drill Sergeant Preparatory Course, Fort Dix, New Jersey, 1982 15. U.S. Army Drill Sergeant School, Fort Dix, New Jersey, 1983 16. Intro Course-Learning to interpret for the deaf U.S. Army 17. M0-Gem Certification, Self Defense weapons, Neptune, NJ, 1993 18. Police Administration, By FBI, at the M.C. Police Academy, Freehold, NJ, 1993 19. Criminal Investigation School, State Police, Sea Girt, NJ 1987 20. Narcotic School, New Jersey State Police, Sea Girt, New Jersey 1987 21. Joint International Conference on Terrorism, Jersey City College, Jersey City, NJ, 1987 22. Interviewing and Interrogation, Reid College, Chicago, Ill. 1988 23. 24th Organized Criminal Groups. N.J. State Police, Sea Girt, NJ 1989 24. Advance Interviewing and Interrogation, Reid College, Chicago, Ill. 1989 25. Hate Crimes and Youth Conference, NJ. Attorney General, Trenton, NJ 1990 26. Conciliation & Mediation School, U.S. Department of Justice, Newark, NJ 1990 27. Missing Person Task Force, Monmouth County, New Jersey 1990 28. Volunteer In Probation Program of Monmouth County, Brookdale College, Long Branch, NJ 1992 29. Streets of hard knocks, (Lifes Experiences) 30. GRIP- Computer School on Gangs/Narcotics Relational Intelligence, Dubuque, IA. (Newark, NJ 1992. 31. Gang Assessment for Youth Gangs, Bergen County, NJ, 1992 32. Community Policing in the 90's, Newark, NJ, 1992 33. In-Service Training " Use of Force" Mon County Prosecutor’s Office 1992 34. In-Service Training " Firearms Refresher " Mon County Prosecutor’s Office 1992 35. In-Service Training " Police in the Community, Mon County Prosecutor’s Office 1992 36. In-Service Training " Search Warrants " Mon. County Prosecutor’s Office 1992 37. In-Service Training " Trial Preparation" Mon County Prosecutor’s Office 1993 38. Eastern Regional Investigator's Association "Asian Gangs" Atlantic City. NJ 1993 39. Advance Gang School, at the Marriott Hotel, Boston, Mass. 1993 40. Participation in the 3rd National Gang Conference, Philly, Pa. June 1994 41. Combating Gang Crisis in the Northeast 26 May 95 (Vermont) 42. Narcotics In Corrections, Project 2000VI, Washington DC 17 Jun 95 43. Prison Gangs From Across The Nation, Washington DC 17 Jun 95 44. Street Gang Recognition and Awareness, State Police Academy, Sea Girt, NJ 30 May 1997 45. Attend training on gangs by the National USCCCN of Orange, New Jersey SPECIAL AWARDS 1. 1970 Teenager of the Week, Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park, New Jersey 2. 1970 Boy of the Year, Asbury Park Boys' Club, Asbury Park, New Jersey 3. 1972 National Defense Award, U.S. Army, Fort Dix, New Jersey 4. 1974 Presidential Award, Body Guard of Richard Nixon, Miesau, Germany 5. 1976 U.S. Army, Honorable Discharge, Fort Dix, NJ 6. 1980 U.S. Army National Guard, Honorable Discharge, NJ 7. 1983 Top Secret Security Clearance (Miesau Germany) Europe 8. 1983 Juvenile Awareness Award, Trenton, New Jersey 9. 1984 Runner up, for Policemen of the Year (Neptune VFW Post) 10. 1986 Certificate of Merit, for Outstanding Bravery, in Neptune PD 11. 1986 National Police Athletic League Delegate (Florida) 12. 1990 Certificate of Achievement on Gangs, U.S. Army, Ft. Monmouth 13. 1990 Raised to the level of Master Mason, Mt. Pisgah Lodge #48 14. 1990 Special Community Service Award, Policemen of the Year Brookdale College 15. 1991 Certificate of Membership from the United Supreme Council 32 degree Mason 16. 1991 Law Enforcement Service Award, presented by the NJ Assembly 17. 1991 U.S. House of Representatives Citation, Presented by the New Jersey 3rd Congressional District. 18. 1992 Plaque of Appreciation from the people of Union County, 19. 1992 Policeman of the Year Award, presented by the N.J. ADL. 20. 1992 Expert Criminal Juvenile Gang Awareness, U.S. Navy Warfare 21. 1992 Plaque of Appreciation from the Keansburg Police Dept. 22. 1992 Presented with the Historic Mace of Norfolk, Virginia 23. 1993 Summer Youth Programs, Long Branch Housing Authority 24. 1993 Completing National Law Enforcement Institute/Advance Gang School in Boston, Mass 1993. 25. 1993 Outstanding Service Award, Freehold Community 26. 1993 Valuable Contribution Award, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 27. 1993 Summer Youth Service Award, Long Branch, New Jersey 28. 1993 Mediation/Negotiation & Conflict Resolution, U.S. Justice 29. 1994 Juvenile Justice Award, Atlantic County Juvenile Asso. 30. 1994 NOBLE Community Service Award, Newark, New Jersey. 31. 1994 Building self-esteem in Children. Rutgers University, Edison 32. 1994 New Jersey Education Association-Community Team-Up, Lincroft 33. 1994 Youth Service Award-Freehold and Manalapan High School 34. 1994 Building self-esteem in Children-Rutgers University, Edison 35. 1994 Issues in Adolescents Substance Abuse, Rutgers University 36. 1994 Workshop Presenter & Leader-Harvard University 37. 1994 Workshop Presenter-Monmouth College, West Long Branch, NJ 38. 1994 Building Self Esteem in Children, Rutgers University 39. 1994 Issues in Adolescent Substance Abuse, Rutgers University 1997 N.J. Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association, Seminar on Gangs 1998 Monmouth County Police Academy, Freehold, New Jersey 1998 John Hopkins University, Montgomery, Maryland 1998 Certificate of Appreciation from the Jewish War Veterans of NJ Distinguished Services Award, New York State Police (Magloclen) May 1998 "TEACHING EXPERIENCE ON" HATE CRIMES, STREET GANGS, SATANISM, CULTURE DIVERSITY, POLICE COMMUNITY RELATIONS, POLICE PROFESSIONALISM, YOUTH RELATIONS 1. Monmouth County Probation Department, Monmouth County, NJ 2. Monmouth County Police Academy, Freehold, NJ 3. N.J. Department of Corrections, Fort Handcock, NJ 4. Old Bridge Police Department, Old Bridge, NJ 5. Monmouth County Boys Club, Asbury Park, NJ 6. Jackson Township Police Department, Jackson, NJ 7. Lakewood Police Department, Lakewood, NJ 8. Discovery Inc. Marlboro State Hospital, Marlboro, NJ 9. Fort Monmouth Military Intelligence Branch, Fort Monmouth, 10. Collier School, Marlboro, NJ 11. Monmouth County Sheriff's Department, Monmouth County, NJ 12. Townson County Police, FBI, Secret Service, Sheriff's Dept. of Montgomery County, Maryland 13. Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, (Middletown) NJ 14. Anti Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, New Brunswick, NJ 15. Somerset County Police Academy, Somerset, NJ 16. Channel 8 Cable T.V., Toms River, NJ 17. Concerned Black Businessmen Asso., Lakewood, NJ 18. AME Zine Church of Cliffwood, NJ 19. Georgian Court College, Lakewood, NJ 20. Townson University, Townson, Maryland 21. For the Attorney General in New Brunswick, NJ 22. Neptune Sr. High School, Neptune, NJ 23. Metropolitan States, Sharton on Hwy# 35 Hazlet, NJ 24. Aberdeen, Police Department and High School, Aberdeen, NJ 25. State Board of Education, Trenton, NJ 26. National Boys & Girls Club Conference, (Gangs) San Diago, Calif. 27. Philadelphia Police Department, Philadelphia, Pa. 28. Monmouth County Drunk Driving Task Force, Monmouth County NJ 29. Kiwanis Club of Ocean Township, Ocean, NJ 30. Neptune Rotary Club, Jumpingbrook Golf Club, Neptune, NJ 31. Keyport High School, Keyport, NJ 32. Red Bank Middle School, Red Bank, NJ 33. Magloclen, Middle Atlantic Great Lakes Organization, Trenton,NJ 34. Monmouth County Firemen's Association, Monmouth County, NJ 35. New Jersey Commissions of Investigations, Trenton, NJ 36. Burlington County College & Pemberton Police, Pemberton, NJ 37. U.S. Military Criminal Investigative Detective, Fort Dix, NJ 38. Dover Township Police Department, Dover, NJ 39. Union County College, Union County, NJ 40. Mercer County Prosecutors Office Drug Strike Force, Ewing, 41. National Boys and Girls Club, New York City, NY 42. Boys and Girls Clubs, Pittsburgh, Pa. 43. Union County Prosecutors Office, Union County, NJ 44. Monmouth College, West Long Branch, NJ 45. Union County Missing Persons Task Force, Clark, NJ 46. Morris County Police and Fire Academy, Morris County, NJ 47. Phileman Baptist Church, Newark, NJ 48. National Youth Gang Suppression and Intervention Assistance Conference, Philadelphia, Pa. 49. Camden County Prosecutors Office, Cherry Hill, NJ 50. State of NJ Probation Officers Association, Atlantic City, 51. New Jersey State Police Academy, Sea Girt, NJ 52. Riverview Hospital, Nursing Staff, Red Bank, NJ 53. Bayshore Regional High School, Hazlet, NJ 54. Brookdale College, Student Body, Lincroft, NJ 55. Regional Boys and Girls Club of Atlanta, Ga. 56. Long Branch Jr. High School, Long Branch,NJ 57. Rugby School Staff, Wall Township, NJ 58. Echelon Mall, Security staff from Tri-Cities, Voorhees, NJ 59. Lacy Township Police Department, Lacy Township, NJ 60. Lakehurst Naval Police, & U.S.Navy, Lakehurst, NJ 61. Southside, Boys and Girls Club, Norfolk, Va. 62. Howell Township High School, Howell Township, NJ 63. Ewing Township Police Department, Ewing, NJ 64. Fort Monmouth Military and Security Police, Fort Monmouth,NJ 65. Bay City Police Department, Bay City, Michigan 66. Central High School, Bay City, Michigan 67. Saginaw Community, Saginaw, Michigan 68. Midland High School, Midland, Michigan 1993 69. Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw, Michigan 70. Bay City Boys and Girls Club of Bay City, Michigan 71. Community, Local and State leaders, Saginaw, Michigan 72 Long Branch High School, Long Branch, NJ 73. State Welfare Officers Association, Eatontown, NJ 74. Juvenile Officers Association, Atlantic City, NJ 75. Jersey City College (Masters Program) Asbury Park, NJ 76. Saddlebrook High School, Saddlebrook, NJ 77. Jersey Shore Medical Center, Mental Health Department, Neptune, NJ 78. Monmouth County, Midnight Basketball Inc. Monmouth County, N.J. 80. New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick, NJ 81. Roxberry Boys and Girls Club, Boston, Mass. 82. Asbury Park High School, Asbury Park, NJ 83. Monmouth County Grand Jury, N.J. Superior Courts, Freehold, 84. Rumada Inn, Clark, NJ for the State of NJ 85. Bergen County Police Academy, Bergan County, NJ 86. Burlington County Prosecutors Office, Burlington, NJ 87. Trump Castle, Atlantic City, NJ 88. Howell Township Alliance, Howell Twp. NJ (High School) 89. Cover Bridge Club House, Manalapan, NJ 90. Newberry School, Howell Township, NJ 91. Monmouth County Police Academy, Freehold, NJ 92. Long Branch Jr. High School, Long Branch, NJ 93. Middlesex County Police Academy, NJ 94. Meridian Academy at Colts Neck, Colts Neck, NJ 95. Neptune Sr. High School (Concerned Parents) 96. Project Kin, Freehold, NJ 97. National Conference of Christians and Jews 98. Teanack High School, Teanack, New Jersey 99. Ballys Park Casino, Atlantic City, NJ 100. Monmouth Girls and Boys Club of Asbury Park, NJ 101. Store Cable T.V., Ocean County, New Jersey 102. Evesham Township High School, Evesham, NJ 103. Shore Regional High School, Howell, NJ 104. Dewight D. Eisenhower School, Freehold, NJ 105. Ocean Township High School, Ocean, NJ 106. St. Mary Assumption High School, Elizabeth, NJ 107. Meridian Academy, Colts Neck, NJ 108. Monmouth College, West Long Branch, N.J. 109. Monmouth County Police Academy (Bias Crime) Freehold, NJ 110. JCP&L Staff, Rt# 66 Neptune, NJ 111. Elizabeth Board of Education, Elizabeth, NJ 112. Shore Regional High School, West Long Branch, NJ 113. Allentown High School, Allentown, NJ 114. Princeton Marriott Hotel Rt# 1, Princeton, NJ 115. Fort Monmouth, Eatontown, NJ 1994 116. Red Bank Police Department, Freehold, NJ 117. Monmouth County Police Academy (Recruits) Freehold, NJ 118. Howell Twp. High School, Howell Twp, NJ 119. Brookdale College, Lincroft, NJ 120. Ocean County College, Dover Township, NJ 121. Morris County College, Morris County, NJ 122. Willow Valley Resort, Crime Prevention Officers Lancaster, Pa. 123. Delaware Water Gap, Warren County Prosecutor's Office, NJ 124. Fort Monmouth Military Police, Eatontown, NJ 125. Maryland State Police, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md. 126. Keansburg High School, Keansburg, NJ 127. New Jersey District Optimist International, Newark, NJ 128. Trump Regency Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey 129. Marlboro Twp. High School, Marlboro, New Jersey 130. National Correctional Officers Asso. Washington DC 131. New Jersey Garden State Art Center, Parkway Authority, NJ 132. Trump Castle, Atlantic City, NJ. 133. Store Cable TV, Eatontown, NJ 134. Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office TNT Unit, Asbury Pk. NJ 135. Ocean County NAACP, Toms River, NJ 136. Fort Monmouth Youth Center, Fort Monmouth, NJ 137. Pineland, High School, Egg Harbor City, NJ 138. Long Branch Police Department, Long Branch, NJ 139. Trenton Police Academy and Police Department, Trenton, NJ 140. Common Wealth of PA. Attorney Generals Office, Harrisburg, Pa. 141. New Jersey State Public Defenders Office, Trenton, NJ 142. New Jersey Teachers Association 143. United State Navy Intelligence and EEOC Division 144. National Black Nurses Association, Cherry Hill, NJ 145. United States Army Military Police, Fort Monmouth, NJ 146. Brookdale College, Healthy Mothers and Babies, NJ 147. Berks County D.A.'s Office (County Awareness)Pa. 149. New Jersey Associations of School Administration, Edison, NJ 150. Allentown Community Watch & Community Police Asso. Allentown, Pa 151. ASAH of New Jersey, Long Branch Hilton, Long Branch, NJ 152. New Jersey Probation Officers Asso. Atlantic City, NJ 153. Brookdale College Annex, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 154. New Jersey Department of Public Advocates, Trenton, NJ 155. Attorney Generals, Collective Youth Violence, Trenton, NJ 156. Statewide Gang Awareness Conference & Train the Trainers, Attorney Generals New Brunswick, NJ 157. New Jersey Association for Lifelong Learning, Long Branch, NJ 158. Atlantic County Ass. of Chiefs of Police, Atlantic City, NJ 159. Monmouth College Criminal Justice Program, W. Long Branch, NJ 160. For the U.S. Justice Department, Montclair, New Jersey 161. For the F.B.I., Jefferson House School, Elizabeth, New Jersey 162. Brookdale College Black Student Union, Lincroft, NJ 163. Garfield School & Long Branch Board of Ed. Long Branch, NJ 164. Passiac County Community Collage, Black Student Union. 165. Hunterdon County Prosecutor's Office, Flemington, NJ 166. Neptune Sr. High School, 10K program, Neptune, NJ 167. Monmouth Medical Center Security Staff, Long Branch, N.J. 168. Eastern Christian Conference, Asbury Park, NJ 169. Assembly of God Church, Trenton, NJ 170. Manalapan High School, Manalapan, NJ 171. Monmouth Regional High School (Students & Staff) Tinton Falls 172. Crime Prevention Officers Asso. Bethlehem, Pa. 173. N.J. Association for Life Long Learning, Long Branch Hilton 174. Rugby School (Students and staff) Wall Twp. NJ 175. National Correction Officers Asso, Crystal City, Va. 176. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, New Jersey-Dept. of Ed 177. N.J. Association of School Administrators, Atlantic City, NJ 178. Union County Prosecutor's Office (Police Academy) Union, NJ 179. United States Department of Justice, Virgin Islands. 180. St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. 181. Ballys Park Place & Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey 182 Forsgate Country Club, Jamesburg, NJ (NJASCD) 183. Meadowlands Sheraton Hotel, National Law Enforcement Intel. 184. Correctional Peace Officers Foundation, Washington DC 185. Ocean County Police Academy, Lakewood, New Jersey 186. Federal Law Enforcement Training Agency 187. National Boys and Girls Club, Boston, Mass. 188. National Gang Conference, Baltimore, Md. 189. Harvard University, Boston, Mass. 190. N.J. Public Defenders Office, Trenton, NJ 1995 181. Monmouth College, W. Long Branch, NJ 192. Monmouth County Police Academy Freehold, NJ 193. Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, Freehold, NJ 194. Dudham, Mass. Office of the County DA, Dudham, Mass 195. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Bergan County, NJ 196. The NJ PTA Association of NJ, Atlantic City, NJ 197. The NJ ASSE Conference, Long Branch, NJ 198. Stockton State College "Cheer the games" Atlantic City area 199. Howell Township Public Works Department, Howell, NJ 200. Bethlehem Police Department, Bethlehem, Pa. 201. Easton Boys and Girls Club, Easton, Pa. 202. Lakehurst Naval Command Station, Lakehurst, NJ 203. Rutgers University, Edison, New Jersey 204. Hackensack Junior & Senior. High School, Hackensack, NJ 205. Neptune Senior High School, Neptune, NJ 206. Summerfield School, Greengrove Road, Neptune, NJ 207. Bradley School, 3rd Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ 208. Neptune Jr. High School, Neptune Twp. NJ 209. Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ 210. Discovery House, Marlboro State Hospital, Marlboro, NJ 1996 211. Monmouth County Youth Detention Center, Freehold, NJ 212. Allentown and Bethlehem, Penn. ref: Skinheads and Satanic Crimes in American 213. New Jersey Dare Officers Association, Atlantic City, NJ 214. Meridian Academy at Colts Neck, Colts Neck, NJ 215. Passaic Community College, Paterson, NJ 216. Allentown High School, Allentown, NJ 217. National PAL Conference, Houston and San Antonio, Texas 218. National CO3GA Conference and Gang Conference, Needham, Mass. 219. University of Vermont Eastern Gang Conference, Needham, Mass. 220. Rosa Parks High School, Patterson, NJ 221. National Peace Officers Foundation, Arlington, Va. 222. District Attorney's Office, Queens, New York. 223. Lehigh Valley D.A.'s Office, Allentown, Pa. 224. Dare Officers Association, Harrahs Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey 225. Benjamin Patterson High School, Patterson, New Jersey 226. Freehold Borough High School, Freehold, New Jersey 227. Arts and Entertainment TV, (A&E) 228. Rosa Parks School of Performing Arts, Patterson, NJ 229. Holly Innocence School, Neptune, NJ 230. Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel, Arlington, Va 231. DEA National Drug Conference, Ashville, North Carolinia 232. Statewide Training Conference National Institute of Justice, Lawrenceville, NJ 233. National Black Police Officers Association, (Marriott) Orlando, Florida 234. Queens D.A’s Office, Queens, New York 235. Westside Community Center, Asbury Park, New Jersey 236. N.W.S. Earle, (Naval Intelligence Services) Colts Neck, New Jersey 237. Teaching for the Minnesota State Police and Law Enforcement, St. Paul, Minnesota 238. American Corrections Association, New Brunswick, Hilton, New Brunswick, NJ 240. National Teen Summit, (Lakewood High School), Lakewood, NJ 241. Bally’s Casino Resort, (NJ Probation Officers Association) Atlantic City, New Jersey 242. Pleasantville Schools in Pleasentville, New Jersey 243. Middletown High School North, Middletown, New Jersey 1997 244. House Judiciary Committee (out of Harrisburg, Pa) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 245. Trump Plaza and Casino in Atlantic City, NJ 246. Somerset County Police Academy, Somerset County, New Jersey 247. New Jersey Narcotic Officers Association of NJ (Fort Dix, NJ) 248. New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice Academy, Sea Girt, New Jersey 249. National Gang Conference, Marriott Hotel, San Diego, California 250. Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, New Jersey 251. The Partnership for New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey 252. New Brunswick Tomorrow Inc. (Community Awareness Group) New Brunswick, 253. East Orange YMCA, East Orange, New Jersey 254. John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 1998 255. John Hopkins University, Shady Grove Campus, Rockville, Md. 256. Tinton Falls Middle School, Tinton Falls, NJ 257. Taunton School, Tinton Falls, New Jersey 258. New York State Police, Albany, New York 259. Monmouth County Police Academy (Gangs Yesterday and Today) Freehold, NJ 260. Bradley Beach Elementary School, Bradley Beach, NJ 261. Regional Alternative High School, Eatontown, New Jersey 262. Rumson-Fair Haven High School, Rumson, New Jersey 263. Monmouth University, (Gangs), West Long Branch, NJ 264. Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, New Jersey (Bias and Gangs) 265. New Jersey Justice Commission, Trenton, New Jersey (Gangs & Youth Violence). 266. New Jersey Department of Parole, Trenton, New Jersey (Gangs) ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATION'S 1. Founder of Operation Y.O.U.T.H. (Young and Old United Together for Humanity). 1976 to present 2. National Founder , National Concerned Officers Organization On Gang Activities. 1981 to Present 3. National Gang Network of the United States. 1991 to Present 4. Counselor and Advisor for the Monmouth Boys and Girls Club Gang Prevention and intervention Program. 1989 to 1996 5. California Gang Investigation Association. 1991 to Present 6. National Boys and Girls Club Gang Prevention and Intervention Program.1990 to 1995 7. Samuel W. Gordon Consistory No# 50, 32 degree Mason. 1990 to Present 8. Member of the Attorney Generals L.C.C. Subcommittee on Hate Crimes, and Collective Youth Violence. 1991 to Present 9. Volunteer Probation Officer (VIP) of Monmouth County, NJ 1992 to Present 10. Past Member of the Attorney Generals STOP (Stamp Out Hate Crimes Program) 1992 to present. 11 . New Jersey Gang Awareness Committee appointed by the Office of the A. G. 1993 to 1997. 12 . State Human Relations Commissions Planning Committee. 13 . Member of the Monmouth County Mentors Program 14 . Johnny Someone's Child of Monmouth County, NJ 15 . I Cry (Inner City Roundtable of Youth) Monmouth County, NJ 16 . Monmouth Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors- 1989 to 1994 17 . V. President of the NJ Bias Officers Association 1994 to present 18. National Peace Officers Foundation 1994 to Present 19 . Harvard School of Public Health 1994 to Present 20 . J.A.M.S. (Just Another Means Of Success) 1994 to Present 21 . New Jersey State External Review Team for Monmouth County Board of Education 22 . SAY Yes (Save All Youth-Yes Every Soul) a Positive youth, motivation and diversity program. 23. Co-Founder of Youth to Youth of New Jersey (Founded in 1997) 24 . President of the Monmouth County Bias and Gang Officers Association (Founded in 1997) COMMUNITY SERVICE 1. Founder of the Neptune Police Athletic League 1976 to 1987 2. Civilian Director of the Law Enforcement Combat Training Systems (LECTS). 1984 to Present. 3. Volunteer Counselor for male and female gang members (Addressing Hate) 1983 to present. 4. Boys and Girls Club Youth Advisor and Gang Counselor and Board member. 1980 to 1996. 5. Volunteer Youth and Gang Advisor for the Midnight Basketball Program, 1991 to present 6. Volunteer with the National Peace Officers Foundation 1992 till present 7. Founder of SAY YES (Save All Youth, Yes Every Soul) of New Jersey 8. Founder of Johnny Someone's Child 9. Founder of New Jersey Youth to Youth 10. Senior Advisor of Stake and Burger today EXPERTISE AS A GANG EXPERT
8. Serving as National Gang Consultant for Boys and Girls Club of America, 1991 to present. 9. Serving as National Consultant for the U.S. Justice Department/OJDDP. 10. Serve as panelist and advisor on gang related issues in the State of New Jersey on behalf of the Attorney General, Robert Del Tufo, State of NJ, 1991. 11. Recognized by the former Governor Jim Florio as an expert in the area of identifying and investigating of hate crimes as it related to skinheads and satanic crimes as a result of a May 91 bias investigation. 12. Recognized as a gang expert by the N.J. ADL of West Orange, NJ in 1991. 13. Having been on Channel 5, out of Boston, Mass. Speaking on the issue of Gangs across the Country and Boston. 14. Executive Protection for the Poor Righteous Teachers, Five Percenter Rap Group at Monmouth College, NJ on 25 September 1992. 15. U.S. Justice Dept. Federal Bureau of Prisons, Washington DC 16. American Correction Officers Association, Washington D.C. 17. Testified as an Expert in Ocean County Superior Court, Ocean County, New Jersey, Recognized by the presiding Judge and the Prosecutor in a gang related case. 15 December 1992. 18. Testified as an expert in the area of hate crimes (Skinheads) and gang related crimes before the Grand Jury and Superior Court of New Jersey. 1991, 1992, and 1993. 19. Testified as an Expert before the New Jersey Commission on Racism, Racial Violence and Religious Violence on 2 February 1993 20. Testified as an Expert before the New Jersey Commission of Investigations on Street Gangs in New Jersey on 15 June 1993 21. Recognized by the State Of New Jersey Attorney Generals Office and the Department of Law and Public Safety as an expert in the area of gang related crimes. Serving on three (3) committees on the issue. 3 December 1993. 22. Recognized by the National Peace Officers Association of California at their National Convention in Washington DC 1993. Addressing the issue of gangs, youth violence and hate groups. 23. As a National Consultant for Aspen System Corporation, Rockville, Maryland on the issue of Juvenile and Adult Gangs in America. May 1990 24. Recognized by the National Gang Network of Boston, Mass in 1994 25. Recognized by the U.S. Justice Department while serving in the Virgin Islands addressing the issue of street gangs and Community Assessment. 26. Recognized by Governor Alexander A. Farrelly of the U.S. Virgin Islands as a expert in the area of Gang Prevention and Intervention (12 May 1994). Conducting a law enforcement and community assessment 27. Recognized by the National Correctional Peace Officers Foundation Sacramento, California and Washington DC (Asked to be a National Consult on the issue of gangs in Prisons 12 June 1994). 28. Recognized by Magloclen (Mid Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network as an Expert in the area of gangs. 29. Recognized by Moglocen because of its National Gang Conference. 30. Teaching at Harvard University before 130 College Professors in Boston, Mass. on the issue of Skinheads, and hate groups from around the country. (Harvard School of Education) 31. Testifying in Superior Court as an expert, Dedham, Mass on 8 Nov 94 thru 11 Nov 1994 in Skinheads and their Symbols (Bias Crimes). 32. Security Department, U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, Lakehurst, New Jersey 33. Having testify as an expert before the a Public Hearing on Hate Crime, Terrorism and Arson of the House Judiciary Committee (21 November 1996- Rep. Harold James) 34. Middle Atlantic Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network (Magloclen) 35. New York State Police Academy, Albany, New York 36. John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland GANG ASSESSMENT Location For 1. U.S. Virgin Islands two weeks--St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas U.S. Justice Department 2. Hackensack High School, Hackensack, New Jersey U.S. Justice Department 3. Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, Freehold, New Jersey Prosecutor 4. State of New Jersey State Commission of Investigations CONTACT US AT National Concerned Officers Organization Inc. 879 West Park Avenue, Cobblestone Village, Ocean Township, New Jersey 07712 (732) 460-0804 Fax: (732) 460-080 4 box 5Web Page: Http://
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